Jesus Christ fulfilled every prophecy concerning Him. If the people had taken time to investigate, they would find their awaited Messiah. This shows how important it is to be a scripture the works of God and this will help you find the Messiah.
The Mother of All Living
Sunday, March 7, 2021
Day 13 Learn of Christ: Jesus Christ, Crucifixion of
What a horrible price of torture to pay in order to redeem us. Totally innocent, Christ was condemned for envy and hatred to such a cruel death. And He knew it, but He kept eternal perspective and offered Himself a ransom willingly to save me, to save you. Do I "remember what was done that the sinner might be won"? (Hymns, 185). Remembering Him more and what He sacrificed makes me complain less, fills my heart with gratitude, and humbles me to repentance. It is wise to remember.
Sunday, December 20, 2020
Day 12 Learn of Christ: Jesus Christ, Creator
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The Lord Created All Things |
Saturday, December 19, 2020
Day 11: Learn of Christ: Jesus Christ, condescension of
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The First Christmas |
Monday, November 23, 2020
Day 10 Learn of Christ: Jesus Christ, Birth of
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The Nativity |
The story behind the birth of Jesus Christ fulfilled the prophecies regarding his birth to a virgin mother, signs in the heavens, and his birthplace of Bethlehem. However, because he dwelt in Nazareth, he became known as Jesus of Nazareth. Thus, it was easy for people to reject him and his ministry--he wasn't called Jesus of Bethlehem, afterall.
Likewise, did anyone ask when his birthday was? If they had, they might find in the records or even recall the huge star that lit up the night on that date. At the very least, they might recall the slaughter of children in Bethlehem by Herod's jealous raid around that period of time--another prophesied event.
Again, because Mary was married to Joseph the Carpenter, it was an easy assumption that Joseph was the father of Jesus. Because people made these assumptions, they easily dismissed the Savior's testimony that he was their long-awaited Messiah asking, "Is this not the carpenter's son?" (Matthew 13:55).
Perhaps it would be wise of each of us to not so readily dismiss things that don't fit within our paradigm of how both God and the world work. The simple exercise of exploring claims, asking questions, researching, and discerning may unravel astounding truths to us that we would have otherwise missed without the effort. In the case for Jesus Christ, not exploring His origins and witness led to eternal consequences for his critics. Let's not follow their short-sightededness.
Monday, November 16, 2020
Day 9 Learn of Christ: Jesus Christ, Betrayal of
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Christ Looks at Judas |
Jesus was always and ever will be a true friend; He will always hold out the branch of forgiveness. However, if you yield to Satan's lures to betray Christ for worldly glory, never forget that "it all comes around." Promised power, money, fame, or authority to do the Evil One's bidding only ensnares the gullible. Satan will turn and betray you soon enough, and you'll soon find that he never intended to share his glory or power with you at all. Instead, awakened to the snare, you'll seek to turn back time and redo your past choices. Then, like Judas, you'll toss the "30 pieces of silver" away, but you won't be able to escape the hell of once yielding your soul to Satan. |
Saturday, November 14, 2020
Day 8 Learn of Christ: Jesus Christ, Baptism of
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John the Baptist baptizes Jesus Christ |
Jesus Christ, though sinless, obeyed His Father and set the example for us by getting baptized. He invites all men to follow His example as baptism opens the gate into His eternal kingdom. How merciful is the gift of temple work--specifically the baptism for the dead. This sacred work allows proxies to stand in for those who have died and to receive the ordinance of baptism in their behalf. This makes this commandment possible for every child of God who ever lived or will live upon the earth, if they will accept the proffered gift. Not only does God give commands, He provides an example and the way for those commandments to be fulfilled. Nothing is impossible with God.
Thursday, November 12, 2020
Day 7 Learn of Christ: Jesus Christ, Authority of
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Jesus Cleanses the Temple |
Tuesday, November 10, 2020
Day 6 Learn of Christ: Jesus Christ, Atonement through
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Christ Kneels in the Garden of Gethsemane |
Sunday, November 8, 2020
Day 5 Learn of Christ: Jesus Christ, Ascension and Descension of
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Christ Appears to the Nephites |
Magicians levitate and angels appear, but who ascends? Only one!
That one is Jesus Christ. In mortality, he demonstrated power over water (Matthew 14:25). In His visit to the Nephites, we have record of His power over fire (Helaman 5:23, 3 Nephi 17). By His power, His servants moved mountains showcasing His power over earth (Moses 7:13). In His ascension and descension to earth (3 Nephi 10:18, 3 Nephi 11:8), He demonstrates His power over air.
Water, fire, earth, and air--the classical elements upon which ancient cultures built their philosophies, science, and medicines--are subdued by One.
Surely, this IS the Christ!