The Book of Alma describes a hero named Captain Moroni in these terms, “if all men had been, and were, and ever would be, like unto Moroni, behold, the very powers of hell would have been shaken forever; yea, the devil would never have power over the hearts of the children of men” (see Alma 48:17). As I contemplate America’s decay into a culture of death, I wish that a Captain Moroni would step forth to raise his Title of Liberty and call forth good men and women from their helplessness into action for life.
Upon hearing of the treachery in his country by men seeking to overthrow the free government of the land, Moroni tore his coat and wrote upon it:
“In memory of our God, our religion, and freedom, and our peace, our wives, and our children” (Alma 46:12).
He attached the torn cloak to a pole to create a banner. Then, after intense prayer and covenants made with God, Moroni marched through the land, waving his “Title of Liberty,” beckoning men to arm themselves and make covenants to fight for freedom. Thousands of men rallied to the cause, frightening the “king-men” into fleeing the country. To memorialize the citizens’ pledge to fight for and defend those things they held most dear, the Title of Liberty waved upon every tower in the land.
I am not Captain Moroni, but I do want to follow his example of standing and fighting for liberty and life. Therefore, I proclaim and raise a Title of Life. I call upon mothers everywhere to kneel with me in intense prayer and covenant with God that you will remember to pray for our nation’s greatest heritage and gift--our precious children.
I ask you to find or print a “onesie.” Take a permanent marker and write, “In memory of life and for our children.” Hoist the Title of Life in your home, in your car, as a graphic on your cell-phone or facebook page, as a magnet on your refrigerator, on your bathroom mirror, as a bookmark . . . put it where you will see it frequently.
Every time you see the Title of Life, will you commit to pray for our nation’s children and for the cause of life? As praying mothers, we will become a powerful force in enlisting the help of God and His angels to influence men and women in our communities and in our nation to abandon life-destroying acts. Individually, we may feel helpless regarding our country’s disparaging of life. United with God, though, we can plant seeds that will sprout and grow into a culture that values the tremendous gift of LIFE.
What can you pray for?
- Get specific--if you know of a woman contemplating abortion, pray for her by name.
- Ask Father to guide a woman contemplating abortion into paths of life instead of death. Pray that she will heed her conscience and take time to think about her decision before making an appointment.
- Pray that a scared woman will find courage to bear the child within her womb.
- Pray that men will take responsibility for their progeny, that they will support the woman they’ve impregnated in raising the child or promote adoption to a loving home.
- Pray that an abortion doctor, nurse, or staff will be pricked by conscience and help them see through the darkness of their career.
- Pray for those who peacefully fight abortion, that they may have courage to do hard things.
- Pray for politicians to awake and to undermine policies that support or promote abortion.
- Pray that America will shun the culture of death fed to us by the media.
- Pray for courage to speak up and out about abortion, the child sex-trade, and other evils that plague our nation.
- Pray for Operation Underground Railroad that rescuers will be protected and successful in their undercover operations to rescue sexually abused women and children.