About 5 years ago, I started the blog to do something about abortion. As I read the scriptures and attended the temple, I came to realize that as women, if we do not mother all life on this planet, who will? Thus, themotherofallliving.blogspot.com was born to promote life. In the busyness of motherhood, I only posted a few things initially. Then Addie came along, and this blog became a way to update others on her progress & her precious, valued life. She has taught me so many things. One of her lessons is below and it makes this blog come full circle for me. Photo by Ava Sol on Unsplash
Find this entire article with its sources and documentation at this link:
I often recall reading Shirley Jackson’s haunting short story “The Lottery” in junior high. A normal village routinely comes to the town square for the annual lottery. After the officiator reads the rules, each household head draws a paper from the lotto box. One person draws a black dot. Tickets for every member of his household are then returned to the box. The family member who draws the black dot then walks to the center of the town square to be stoned by their remaining family members and townspeople. Though there’s talk of abandoning the lottery in other villages, the elders of the town emphasize that those villages are a ‘“pack of crazy fools; listening to the young folks, nothing’s good enough for them. Next thing you know, they’ll be wanting to go back to living in caves . . ..“‘
And so the village persists in a horrifying tradition year after year, decade after decade, century after century, in order to have a “bountiful harvest” in their town. Stories like this have always caused me great pause: are there any traditions we hold to that are never questioned but that cause great harm to some in order to preserve others?
I’ve often prayed to God to show me what false traditions I linger under. The answers have come in startling, awakening ways. One such experience came when Addie lived in the Newborn Intensive Care Unit (NICU) for four months. After a few weeks in the highest level of care, the nurse asked permission to give Addie her immunizations. If my daughter had not been lingering between life and death, I wouldn’t have thought anything about it and would have consented. But there, in that room of monitors and beeping machines, of 24-hour nursing care, of a respirator breathing for her, of tubes and cords running all over her little body, her bed, and her floor, I zoomed out and took a broader look at something I’d never seen before. Why, I wondered, are they even asking if I’d like to immunize her when we don’t even know what is wrong with her and whether or not she will live?
I decided then and there that I needed to do some research. My basic question was, “Should we be giving immunizations to sick, seizing, premature infants? The next day, I went to the library and picked up books for and against childhood immunizations. Then, as I sat at the hospital pumping out milk for the donor bank (they wouldn’t let Addie have my milk), I read the opposing arguments. Very quickly, I came across a term in the ingredient list called “human diploid cells.” What on the earth are “human diploid cells?” I wondered. And that’s when I went down a rabbit hole.
In a nutshell, human diploid cells started from aborted fetuses in the 1960s. If you do research on human diploid cell lines on the internet, you will find the following quote or derivative of it:
“In total only two fetuses, both obtained from abortions done by maternal choice, have given rise to the human cell strains used in vaccine development. Neither abortion was performed for the purpose of vaccine development.”
I can tell you that this is a lie intending to deceive and assuage the public! The likelihood of scientists getting their experiments to work on two fetuses only would be highly random.
I did not believe this statement, and so I dug deeper.
One-hundred and six aborted babies later . . . and counting . . . .
You don’t have to take my word for it. Here are some of the quotes from the scientists
themselves working on developing vaccines from fetuses screened, aborted, and utilized
specifically for that purpose (see the entire expose on this subject, which is my main source
for this information at https://cogforlife.org/vaccines-abortions/ and the citations for the
following quotes here: FULL CIRCLE ).
“The isolation and characterization of human diploid cell strains from fetal tissue make this type of cell available as a substrate for the production of live virus vaccines. Other than the economic advantages, such strains . . . make the consideration of their use in the production of human virus vaccines a distinct possibility.”
“This fetus was chosen by Dr. Sven Gard, specifically for this purpose. Both parents are known, and unfortunately for the story, they are married to each other, still alive and well, and living in Stockholm, presumably. The abortion was done because they felt they had too many children. There were no familial diseases in the history of either parent, and no history of cancer specifically in the families.”
“One of my duties as a young student in the laboratory in Stockholm was to dissect human fetuses from legal abortions and send organs to the Wistar Institute. Such material was the source of many important studies of cell lines at the Institute, such as Leonard Hayflick’s study of WI-38 cells.”
“Explant cultures were made of the dissected organs of a particular fetus aborted because of rubella, the 27th in our series of fetuses aborted. This fetus was from a 25-year-old mother exposed to rubella 8 days after her last menstrual period. 16 days later she developed rubella. The fetus was surgically aborted 17 days after maternal illness and dissected immediately. Explants from several organs were cultured and successful cell growth was achieved from lung, skin, and kidney. It was then grown on WI-38. The new vaccine was tested on orphans in Philadelphia.”
Did you catch that? Let me expound. Mothers in Philadelphia, who had been exposed to Rubella,
were convinced by their medical providers, in collaboration with the Wistar Institute, to abort their
babies to avoid potential complications. It took 27 abortive deaths of babies before one of the fetuses
was found to be infected with the Rubella virus. Forty additional babies were aborted following
the finding of the live virus on baby number 27. In total, 80 babies were aborted to produce
the Rubella vaccine, including those made to create the WI-38 cell strain.
Hmn . . . 80 is way more than 2! And don’t neglect the last statement in that quote above!
Children, with no parents/guardians to speak for them, were used as test subjects for the
new vaccine. That’s an entire other rabbit hole that is an outrage of human decency, human rights, and human dignity!
The WI-38 cell line has now expired, according Dr. Stanley Plotkin, a scientist, author, and
vaccine development expert. These cell lines are not replicable forever. Therefore, other companies
and institutions get financial backing to create new fetal cell lines for the manufacturing of vaccines. Basically,
this is now a competitive market. I’m sorry to add to the horror. In order to acquire living tissue,
the babies are aborted alive and their organs are procured without anesthesia. The callousness
of the researchers makes my blood run cold. See for yourself:
Are there other vaccines that utilize aborted fetal cell strains? Yes--nearly all of them.
However, some have ethical alternative brands thanks to the advocacy of Children of God for Life,
an organization bringing awareness to this vital issue. The ones for which there is no alternative
include the following diseases: MMR, Chickenpox, Acute Respiratory Disease.
The 2020 flu shot does not contain aborted fetal cell lines, but flu shots in the past have.
Some of the developing COVID-19 shots also include aborted fetal cell lines and some do not.
As the race to produce a vaccine comes to the finish line, you will have to read the label to
determine if the winner uses aborted fetal tissue.
You can also keep updated at https://cogforlife.org/vaccine-overview/ .
I return to my original question: are there any traditions we hold to that are never questioned
but that cause great harm to some in order to preserve others? Is it right to sacrifice the life
of even just two precious children (if it were only two), let alone hundreds of babies to promote
the health of our society? Is this medicine that would find approval in God’s eyes?
What can be done? Vote with your feet! Demand ethical vaccines. Join Children of God for Life,
follow and support their work. Educate yourself. Share what you’ve learned with others.
I wish so much that I had done my research before I ever allowed my children’s arms
to be punctured and injected with immorally produced immunizations. My ignorance
has weighed upon me heavily. I thank God for opening my eyes to false traditions. Now
that I am aware of the stone in my hand, I set it down. I walk out of the Lottery, and I take my
family with me. Better to live outside of the village, then to throw that stone one more time at
a fellow villager. Thank you for awakening me, Miss Addie!