Sunday, October 11, 2020

Day 3 Learn of Christ: Jesus Christ, Appearances, Antemortal


Three Men in the Fiery Furnace by William Maughan 

Many prophetic men share their witness in the scriptures that they spoke with Jesus Christ thousands of years before his birth. Some familiar prophets who spoke with the Redeemer face to face include Enoch, Abraham, Jacob, Moses, and Isaiah--to name a few. These scriptural witnesses of the pre-mortal Savior teach us truths that cut through the creeds and false traditions regarding God that have been passed down through the centuries.

From Abraham, we learn that Christ speaks in verbal language (Genesis 12:7). Jacob teaches us that God has a face. Moses, Aaron, and 72 other elders witness that the Lord stands and has feet (Exodus 24:10). Isaiah testifies that the Lord sits (Isaiah 6:1). Ezekiel witnesses that the Lord's likeness is that of a man (Ezekiel 1:26). Enoch walked and talked with God (D&C 107:49).

The scriptures are clear from eye-witness accounts that Jesus Christ is a glorious being with a body. He is not, as stated in the 2nd London Confession of Faith, chapter 2:1, "without body, parts, or passions…”. Does not God tell us this in the very first chapter of the Bible? "And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness..." (Genesis 1: 26)

Multiple eye-witness accounts--now that is valid evidence that would stand up in any court of law! How did the Christian world view of God get so off track?  Maybe we could all benefit from a thorough study of OUR scriptures.